Een foto van de Van Nelle Fabriek, het kantoor van Bluace


Decades of experience with climate-related installations

What was ESNW’s challenge?

“ESNW has been using the Microsoft ERP platform for 12 years now. We are constantly looking for improvements, as our market is constantly changing. Initially, we did not miss the flexibility in the platform, but after some corrections and changes, ESNW still needs more flexibility to continue to serve its customers well. In collaboration with Bluace, ESNW is continuously improving processes, and we are always looking at where we can automate. For example, we are now working on the transition to Office 365, and we are extending the planning tool to reduce the workload. Planning is an important task in daily work. However, the relationship between the office staff and the field staff was not optimal and could be much more efficient. So we were looking for planning optimization.”

How did ESNW end up at Bluace?

“The collaboration between ESNW and Bluace goes back several years. Even before the start of Bluace, the consultants who now work at Bluace already convinced us of their process knowledge. We were delighted with the contact and could call at any time of the day if there were any problems. Always being there for each other is an important value that we share in our collaboration. With the start of Bluace, several consultants have joined, making the collaboration even more powerful.”

Een foto van servicebussen van ESNW die geparkeerd staan

How did the process go with Bluace?

“The most important thing about working with Bluace is that they understand how our business processes work. In the past, ESNW has tried with other partners, but we felt that they did not understand our business, and the process was therefore slow. Bluace has this knowledge partly through history, but they also have insight into improvements and where bottlenecks arise. We are also delighted with the high level of involvement and the speed with which problems are addressed and resolved. Work continues outside office hours until the problem is resolved. There is no 9-to-5 mentality.”

Een foto van een bus van ESNW die onderweg is

What has the solution brought you?

“We have already made great progress with planning optimization. For example, where previously four employees were working full-time on doing the planning, we have managed to halve the time required for this, so only two employees are now working on the planning. In addition, we now can purchase parts directly from the wholesaler, and we are supplied directly without the intervention of employees. It saved us another 3 FTE. We expect that we will receive even more such optimizations in the future and that the system will provide even more ease of use for our employees.”

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