Een foto van de Van Nelle Fabriek, het kantoor van Bluace


Do you hire employees through an employment agency? Do you run an employment agency? Or are you an entrepreneur yourself, and do you hire a subcontractor? Then, you will likely use a G-account. This app is also available on Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central.

What is a G-account?

Een afbeelding van geld en een rekenmachine
Een mock-up van G-rekening

Available documents

The G-account applies to the following documents, among others: 

  • Purchase and sales invoice; 
  • Sales of draft invoice; 
  • Sales proforma invoice. 

Features of the G-account

  • Automatic splitting of amounts to the G-account and bank account for purchase and sales invoices. 
Een medewerker die op het kantoor van Bluace iets presenteert
Een afbeelding van papieren en een rekenmachine

Benefits of the G-account

  • Payment of taxes: employers and clients can deposit money into the G-account to ensure the correct amount of wage tax and VAT; 
  • Liability protection: the use of a G-account helps employers and clients protect themselves against liability for tax debts of their employees or service providers; 
  • Transfer to the Tax and Customs Administration: the money deposited in the G-account is automatically transferred to the Tax and Customs Administration at specific times (for example, monthly) to pay the taxes due.

Availability and rates

Curious how Business Central optimizes your daily work?

Wesley Intveld


Profielfoto van Wesley Intveld voor het kantoor van Bluace in de Van Nelle Fabriek
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