Business Central Apps
Download Business Central apps from the Microsoft AppSource
The additional apps for Business Central are available in Microsoft AppSource. By downloading an app from AppSource, you can easily extend the functionalities of your Business Central system. In principle, the moment you expand your system does not matter. Even if you’ve been working with Business Central for some time and are missing certain features, you can find and add a suitable app. Most apps offer a 30-day free trial, which can also be canceled monthly. If you discover after a while that you no longer use an app or prefer a different functionality, you can quickly scale down again.
Adding Business Central apps without problems
In principle, you can also download an app and add it to the system without the intervention of your Business Central partner. However, adding a new app can suddenly cause your environment to react differently than you are used to. For that reason, it is advisable to always consult with your partner. The experts at Bluace are here to help if you have any questions.
Business Central apps
2BA Integration
Realize a seamless link between the 2BA datapool and Business Central
CadConnect 365
Create a seamless connection between your CAD software and Business Central
Dime Scheduler
Make your daily planning clear and simple
Document Capture
Process incoming documents and invoices in your system in no time
Expense Management
Digitize the declaration process and allow employees to declare unambiguously and simply
Payment Management
Easily handle payment-related processes in Business Central
Base Functionality
Automatically split your invoices to the correct period and give outgoing documents the same look and feel
Easily set up your G-account and amounts
Extended Time Sheets
Provides your customers with a substantiated overview of the worked hours
Extended Documents
Specify your quotation with additional fields and create a professional look
DICO Integration
Exchange data between your own software applications and those of your partners
Customer Reference Validator
Check that the external document number and your reference are entered correctly
ECB Exchange Rate Converter
Gain insight into every latest foreign exchange rate to the Euro and vice versa
Inventory Templates
Easily keep track of warehouses through set inventory templates
Permission Reporting
Get easy and visual insight into your users’ permissions through Power BI
Are you curious which Business Central apps optimize your work?
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