The new ‘Gasketelwet’:
Is the preparation in your administration already completed?
The Gasketelwet (Gas Boiler Law) came into effect on 1 October 2020 in the Netherlands. This stipulates that only skilled installation companies are allowed to carry out work on central heating systems. Until 1 April 2023, we are in the bridging period of this legislation for central heating boilers. Until then, installers and their resources have the time to obtain CO certification and to prepare for the Gas Boiler Act. Bluace’s solution ensures that you record the legal certification per technician so that your administration is ready for the legislation for central heating boilers, and you are not faced with surprises during resource planning or at the customer’s location.
What is the Gasketelwet?
The statutory regulation for gas combustion installations was drawn up after a report by the Dutch Safety Board in 2015 showed that half of the accidents involving gas boilers occur in modern central heating systems. The Gasketelwet has been drawn up to ensure that work is carried out safely on gas installations without carbon monoxide release and causing accidents.

What does the Gasketelwet entail?
- The law applies to installing, repairing, maintaining, and commissioning central heating boilers, gas fireplaces, and geysers;
- From 1-4-2023, it is forbidden to work on a central heating system as a non-certified installer. You must have a mandatory certification to install or repair a central heating boiler;
- Certified installation companies are included in an online register to assist clients searching for a certified installation company;
- Installation technicians demonstrate their professional competence with a theory test and a practical exam. They can legitimize their professional competence at the customer with the Vakpaspoort.
Online register for installers
From 1 April 2023, consumers and business clients may only engage a certified installer to work on central heating systems. An online register will be set up to help these clients find a certified installation company. All installation companies with a BRL 6000-25 certificate are included in this. Besides, a logo has been developed to ensure that you are easily recognizable as an installation company with a Kiwa certificate.
Digital ‘Vakpaspoort’ for mechanics with certification
Installation technicians must demonstrate their expertise through a theory test and a practical exam before 1 April 2023. To ensure that these resources can show that they have passed the carbon monoxide prevention certification, a digital Vakpaspoort has been developed. The app is easy to download on the technician’s smartphone, which contains all the certificates obtained. Thanks to this app, your resources can easily show that they meet the certification and that their knowledge is up-to-date. This identification is also mandatory under the Gasketelwet.
Preparation for the Gasketelwet in your administration
To guarantee the quality of your installation company and resources, you record the training, certifications, and authorizations for each installation technician in our service and maintenance software. This information in your administration is also visible during resource planning, so the planner always puts the right resource on the right job. Installers then work on location with the Field Service App from Bluace to know precisely which work processes must be carried out. This way, the administration of your installation company is ready for the Gasketelwet.
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Wesley Intveld